Sunday, April 23, 2017

Day After Earth Day Planting Party

We held our spring planting party today. As with our past planting parties, we publicized through Shoreline Area News and the Parkwood Neighborhood Association, along with our email list. For whatever reason, we had our smallest turnout yet with just my next door neighbors--Katie, Ben, Julia and Will--coming out to help. 

The kids came with their own shovels and I discovered that with an appropriately sized shovel and a little instruction, young kids can also grub out blackberry roots. Here's Will with a root:

Photo by Katie!

We did manage to acquire plenty of cardboard for today, with multiple donations. So, I've concluded that the emailing was great this time around for getting cardboard but not volunteers.

Below, both Gary and Julia were intent on saving a spider from getting buried in a planting hole.

And, here is Julia next to the mock orange she planted!

Below are two views of the finished area: One looking from the west and the other from the east.

With this planting, we extended this particular restoration site, We planted last fall in the area photographed above with the sign. I was surprised with the amount of chip we used today--at least a third of the giant load Parks delivered few weeks ago. Really appreciate Parks also buying us plants! Today, we received mock orange, ocean spray and nutka rose. Last fall, they bought us serviceberry, vine maple and snowberry. There's also salal from my yard in this area and today, I brought three sword ferns that should be happier here than on my property.

Robby had also donated several potted spruces but this area is too dry for them. So after we were done with the planting and mulching with our tools back in the Jobox, we walked around to discuss where the spruces could go. We passed by this camas, just starting to bloom. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 2017

I noticed I haven't posted all month. 

On April 2, Jim and I worked in the area we want to plant for our planting party on the 23rd. It is adjacent to our fall planting area--we want to broaden the area that is sheet mulched and planted with native plants. (The photo below is not really very good but it appears to be the only one I took.)

On April 9, Jim, Gary and I worked along the Trail of Cedars. There's nice mat of oxalis that is doing quite well that we walked past.

We focused our attention on a cedar that was weighted down by some nearby holly. Here's what it looked like in the beginning:

The cedar is a little clearer below:

And a closeup, after we finished.

Today (April 16), Robby joined us for couple of hours. We looked primarily for emerging morning glory in the Southern Forest. I did get Robby to dig out couple of small English hawthorns while Jim worked on blackberry toward the wetland and Gary being Gary, disappeared to work elsewhere in the park.

Below, you can see morning glory shooting up, with native plants nearby. We planted the fringe cup on the upper right in fall of 2015; not sure if the sword fern was already there.

In the photo below, there's a mix of invasives and natives so a little tricky weeding!

Ideally, in due time, more of the ground would look like below, which has a very nice mat of false lily of the valley (maianthemum dilatatum). I believe the cedar is one we rescued once upon a time when a nearby lombardy poplar fell and pinned it.