Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ivy Removal by North Pond

We actually got some real work done today. Jim, Nancy and I pulled ivy off of a number of trees east of the north pond. This was the first time Nancy joined us.

I took the photo above after we began and the photo below when we were done for the morning.

The photo below is taken from the other direction. We basically removed the ivy at the base. I have to say some of the trees were easier to work with than others. The ivy came off easily from the pine trees but the first tree I tackled (cottonwood? No leaves so I'm not sure) had a lot of moss and the ivy was really embedded in the moss and bark.

Jim also did the same near trees near 155th. We called it a day after it started to rain but at least it was warmer than it had been. There was still ice on the ponds and we saw some seagulls ice skating.

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