Monday, February 6, 2017


It snowed overnight. I walked to the park around 8am and wound up taking lots of pictures. The photos look black and white, taken under the snow clouds. I was not the first to walk through the park this morning. There were footprints in the Arboretum and north and south of the ponds, not to mention passing walkers (and dogs) in the soccer field and on the Trail of Cedars.

This is looking into the wetland west of the tennis court.

Looking through branches in the Arboretum.

Love the visual textures created by the snow accumulating on bare branches!

This is in the Arboretum Annex. The ground beneath the snow in places were puddles. This is in the buffer area, not the actual wetland.

The stone bench, where I have fond memories picnicking with John and the old crew.

Thornton Creek bubbling down into the north pond.

Mallards in the north pond.

On the Trail of Cedars.

Our fall planting area.

You can see little buds on the shrubs!

This is the gully that runs to the south of Trail of Cedars--one long puddle right now.

Southern Forest planting area.

This is the continuation of the gully, which is also our trail into the Southern Forest. It was too wet to walk on.

The other planting area in the Southern Forest.

Walked on the trail toward the south pond.

Again, where this trail meets the trail that runs around the west side of the south pond is nothing but a huge puddle. I turned back.

South pond.

South pond from between the two ponds.

North pond.

South pond.

North pond.

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